The Show

The King's Lion was a special production of Capital Baptist Church, written and produced by the Children's Pastor, Josh Baker, during the 2009 Vacation Bible School "Kingdom of the Son." The daily musical performance and skit were a take off of the popular Disney movie, "The Lion King" and also the VBS theme.

Read the Script here

Get a copy of the autograph card featuring all the performing cast here
Get the VBS 09 featuring photos and two of the King's Lion videos now!

Online photos are also available for viewing and sharing through our online Snaphfish account. For instructions in how to access our Snapfish account, click here

Kingdom of the Son Highlight DVD
Get yours for just $10 by contacting Pastor Josh.

This two disk DVD features: King's Lion, Puppet Shorts and Bloopers, Joe Bruce, the Banana Cabana, the Drama Team, Top Photos Slideshow, and M.A.D.E. for Him footage not found on their music dvd.

Performer Cast

Matthew Chandler
~the Lion~

Skylar Leslie
Monarch Butterfly~

Kendall Wilkerson
~the Elephant~

Morgan Eldred
~a Giraffe~

Hannah Leich
~a Kangaroo~

Andrea Poston
~the Peacock~

Ashley Boichot
~the Tiger~

Sam Leslie
~the Monkey~

Priscila Villanueva
~a Kangaroo~

Crystal Lillo
~the Hippo~

Amy Hallameyer
~a Giraffe~

Julia Smith
~the Siberian Tiger~
